Episode 7 - John Kane, CEO, Kane Realty
In this episode, Paul Kane talks to John Kane, CEO and Founder of Kane Realty. Everyone who lives in Wake County knows of John Kane as the "re-inventer" of North Hills. But Kane Realty has done, and continues to do, so much more. The impact Kane Realty has on Raleigh is truly amazing.

Episode 6 - Dr. Michael Walden
In this episode, Paul Kane talks to Dr. Michael Walden, Professor Emeritus from North Carolina State University. Dr. Walden is one of the most widely sought-after experts on economics in Wake County, and beyond. In their discussion, Paul and Dr. Walden talk about the economics of new home construction, growth in Wake County and what to expect in this post-pandemic world.

Episode 5 - Joe Milazzo
In this episode, Paul Kane talks to Joe Milazzo, Executive Director of the Regional Transportation Alliance. Joe shares the many issues surrounding the transportation needs of Wake County; including highways, public transportation and air travel. As Wake County continues to grow, transportation remains among the most important of issues for good community discussion.

Episode 3 - Charles Meeker
In this episode, Paul Kane talks to Raleigh attorney and former Mayor of Raleigh, Charles Meeker. Mr. Meeker shared his observations on the growth issues Raleigh was facing when he first joined the Raleigh City Council in the 1980s all the way through the current day. He also shares his thoughts on the future of Raleigh and Wake County.

Episode 2 - Michael Haley
In this episode, Paul Kane talks to Michael Haley with Wake County Economic Development. Michael and his team are responsible for putting together the statistical data used by Imagine Wake to set the stage for the discussion on growth. Michael shares his observations on Wake County growth and what's yet to come.